Professional Weather Stations
HOBO RX2100 MicroRX Station
The compact and rugged HOBO MicroRX Station is an easy-to-deploy, low-cost cellular solution for long-term, reliable field monitoring.
Portable Weather Station
RS Hydro supply and rent portable weather stations across all industries. The weather station is provided with a near real-time wireless telemetry system to view data online from anywhere
HOBO U30 USB Weather Station Starter Kit
The HOBO Weather Station Starter Kit combines our most rugged data logging weather station with out-of-the-box convenience.
HOBO RX3000 Remote Weather Station Starter Kit
The HOBO RX3000 Weather Station Starter Kit provides instant access to site-specific air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed/direction data anywhere, anytime on your desktop or mobile device.
RG1 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
The Standard RG1 Rain Gauge was designed as a universal rain gauge, that is suitable for most applications. There are two versions of the RG1 available: 0.2mm and 0.1mm.
WMO Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
Our Professional WMO approved Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge is an extremely accurate rainfall monitoring solution which is built to meet the needs of professional meteorologists worldwide.
rain [e] - Weighing Precipitation Sensor
The rain [e] precipitation sensor is the latest technology that combines a self-emptying precision bucket that provides high resolution and high precision at a very small construction level.
Davis 0.01 inch Rain Gauge Smart Sensor
Davis Rain Gauge Smart Sensors are compatible with all HOBO weather station loggers, HOBOware, and HOBOlink.